Tuesday 24 August 2010

Sentimental Vacations

There are so many small pleasures in life, from: making cupcakes with a friend to spending quality time with your family… even if it’s just watching TV together! I have so many cherished memories of those small yet excessively precious moments. Things don’t always have to be big in order to be great! I remember what pleasure I received from spending three days in Kansas with my parents, siblings, uncle, aunt and cousins last summer. Sure! Most people would laugh and say that going on a cruise or going to the beach in sunny California would be ten times better… but I am still satisfied with that simple trip I took last summer. Why! We got to visit my dear great grandmother, have freedom and explore the miniature town of “Hill City", swim at the small neighborhood pool, walk to the nearby convenient store, purchase soda pops and candy bars, and we also got to go to the small local movie theatre and feast on as much buttery popcorn as we liked. Yes! Maybe the scenery wasn’t nearly as picturesque as the glistening blue ocean on a backdrop of the vibrant sunset in California, but I was still pleased with the site of bright yellow sunflowers or even the tall golden prairie grass was enough to please me. Looking back, I’m sure that you could agree with me… was it those big pricey vacations or the small sentimental ones you liked best?

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